Three people left blind by Florida clinic’s unproven stem cell therapy

Unproven treatment

Unproven stem cell treatments endanger patients: Photo courtesy Healthline

The report makes for chilling reading. Three women, all suffering from macular degeneration – the leading cause of vision loss in the US – went to a Florida clinic hoping that a stem cell therapy would save their eyesight. Instead, it caused all three to go blind.

The study, in the latest issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, is a warning to all patients about the dangers of getting unproven, unapproved stem cell therapies.

In this case, the clinic took fat and blood from the patient, put the samples through a centrifuge to concentrate the stem cells, mixed them together and then injected them into the back of the woman’s eyes. In each case they injected this mixture into both eyes.

Irreparable harm

Within days the women, who ranged in age from 72 to 88, began to experience severe side effects including bleeding in the eye, detached retinas, and vision loss. The women got expert treatment at specialist eye centers to try and undo the damage done by the clinic, but it was too late. They are now blind with little hope for regaining their eyesight.

In a news release Thomas Alibini, one of the lead authors of the study, says clinics like this prey on vulnerable people:

“There’s a lot of hope for stem cells, and these types of clinics appeal to patients desperate for care who hope that stem cells are going to be the answer, but in this case these women participated in a clinical enterprise that was off-the-charts dangerous.”

Warning signs

So what went wrong? The researchers say this clinic’s approach raised a number of “red flags”:

  • First there is almost no evidence that the fat/blood stem cell combination the clinic used could help repair the photoreceptor cells in the eye that are attacked in macular degeneration.
  • The clinic charged the women $5,000 for the procedure. Usually in FDA-approved trials the clinical trial sponsor will cover the cost of the therapy being tested.
  • Both eyes were injected at the same time. Most clinical trials would only treat one eye at a time and allow up to 30 days between patients to ensure the approach was safe.
  • Even though the treatment was listed on the website there is no evidence that this was part of a clinical trial, and certainly not one approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) which regulates stem cell therapies.

As CIRM’s Abla Creasey told the San Francisco Chronicle’s Erin Allday, there is little evidence these fat stem cells are effective, or even safe, for eye conditions.

“There’s no doubt there are some stem cells in fat. As to whether they are the right cells to be put into the eye, that’s a different question. The misuse of stem cells in the wrong locations, using the wrong stem cells, is going to lead to bad outcomes.”

The study points out that not all projects listed on the site are checked to make sure they are scientifically sound and have done the preclinical testing needed to reduce the likelihood they may endanger patients.


Jeffrey Goldberg

Jeffrey Goldberg, a professor of Ophthalmology at Stanford and the co-author of the study, says this is a warning to all patients considering unproven stem cell therapies:

“There is a lot of very well-founded evidence for the positive potential of stem therapy for many human diseases, but there’s no excuse for not designing a trial properly and basing it on preclinical research.”

There are a number of resources available to people considering being part of a clinical trial including CIRM’s “So You Want to Participate in a Clinical Trial”  and the  website A Closer Look at Stem Cells , which is sponsored by the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR).

CIRM is currently funding two clinical trials aimed at helping people with vision loss. One is Dr. Mark Humayun’s research on macular degeneration – the same disease these women had – and the other is Dr. Henry Klassen’s research into retinitis pigmentosa. Both these projects have been approved by the FDA showing they have done all the testing required to try and ensure they are safe in people.

In the past this blog has been a vocal critic of the FDA and the lengthy and cumbersome approval process for stem cell clinical trials. We have, and still do, advocate for a more efficient process. But this study is a powerful reminder that we need safeguards to protect patients, that any therapy being tested in people needs to have undergone rigorous testing to reduce the likelihood it may endanger them.

These three women paid $5,000 for their treatment. But the final cost was far greater. We never want to see that happen to anyone ever again.

8 thoughts on “Three people left blind by Florida clinic’s unproven stem cell therapy

    • Hi David, I don’t know, the study didn’t identify the clinic. I do know they are no longer running “clinical trials” but they are still seeing patients.

  1. The article reads “So what went wrong” Your reply is there wasn’t enough evidence of efficacy (we do clinical trials to gather the evidence), they charged money, they didn’t have FDA approval and they injected both eyes. None of these things are cause for blindness. You do not tell us what went wrong. Eyes are injected by ophthalmologists every day.
    What went wrong?

    • Dear Ralph, thanks for the comment. I have added some extra copy in the post to explain what went wrong. Basically it’s a question of injecting the wrong cells into the wrong location. Fat and blood stem cells have no place being injected directly into the eye. The impact of those injections was felt almost immediately by the women and the damage, as we discovered, was irreparable.

      • I was recently at a conference where an ophthalmologist reported good results from injecting fresh non-cultured adipose stromal cells directly into the eyeball. Were these other cells cultured?

      • Digging a bit deeper into the research it appears that the doctor at this clinic used some tissue-dissolving enzymes to help separate the fat and blood stem cells from other cells, but failed to wash it out fully before injecting the mixture into the eye. Once in the eye the tissue-dissolving enzymes did what they are supposed to do, leaving the women blind.

      • If this was collagenase then usual practice is to remove the cell pellet from the collagenase solution. This pellet of cells is then filtered and receives further wash before cell counting. The amount of collagenase in the final product would be extremely small. I will enquire about the ophthalmologists protocol. I am not convinced that this was the cause.

  2. A Fourth woman has now filed a new lawsuit against the same clinic, in Broward County Florida, alleging she was also rendered totally blinded via the same botched “stem cell” eye injection process. The clinic is U.S. Stem Cell Clinic LLC run by Kristin Comella who is the “Chief Science Officer” and is also a Board Member of U.S. Stem Cell Inc of Sunrise Florida (a penny stock traded on the over the counter market, symbol USRM, formerly known as Bioheart). It was proven they were the ones who blinded the first three ladies via the court documents filed in Broward county, the plaintiff’s attorney confirming it, the insurance payouts which were over $3 million total in final settlements paid-out, etc The clinic and Comella received a very formal, very specific FDA “WARNING LETTER” in Aug of 2017, and the original 483 inspections/Warnings by the FDA were related to the blinding of the three ladies described in the article above. The fourth blind lady lawsuit and the FDA Warning Letter to U.S. Stem Cell and Kristin Comella can all be found at the links below. CIRM should write an entire separate article about this fourth blind lady and the FDA Warning Letter, etc :

    (Formerly known as Bioheart, at the time the women were blinded, name changed to U.S. Stem Cell Inc in late 2015 )

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